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Virtual Tax Preparation

1040Plus (formerly DBA 800-TAX REFUND) has been preparing tax returns for remote clients since 1997, before the days of internet filing. So we know a thing or two about communication, security, and, most of all, what it takes to make the professional tax preparation process practical and painless for remote clients.

In 2021 we added video chat, which gave us the opportunity to “meet face to face” with many of our long-time remote clients.

Here’s our tried and true approach for serving tax preparation clients remotely:

Step 1: Say hello
We wouldn’t expect you to blindly send your most sensitive personal and financial information to an unknown entity without getting to know them first. Which is why we advise that, before volunteering any information, please feel free to call us, or better yet, chat with us from your device of choice simply using a web browser (no registration or download required):

Phone: (330) 434-6655 or toll-free (800) TAX REFUND [829-7338]
Video Chat:
Email (for those on the other side of the world):

This initial conversation will not only give both parties a better idea of whom we’re working with, but it will also help clarify other matters pertaining to your tax situation that will help ensure a smooth tax preparation and filing experience.

Please review the rest of the process before you call or chat.

Step 2: Gathering your tax information
Because you may not be aware of all the information we need to accurately prepare your taxes as well as ensure a successful e-filing, we developed a fillable pdf-format Checklist which you’re welcome to download to help gather the necessary information.

There’s also a fillable online version of our Checklist securely hosted on the same site we use to obtain electronic signatures: Online Checklist Tax Year 2024 . Here you can enter your necessary information, save your progress between visits, attach up to three documents, then submit everything to us securely when you’re ready for us to start.

Note that if you had self-employment or rental income, both Checklists have links to these additional fillable forms which you’re free to use to help communicate the information we’re looking for.

You also may have your own tried and true versions of our Checklist, which are acceptable.

Regardless of which method you use to gather your info, remember that we can always call or email you if we have questions or need additional information. That’s the advantage of having your taxes professionally prepared.

Step 3: Sending your tax information to us
You have several methods available to send us your tax information as we do not force you to use any particular method, although we discourage sending sensitive tax information via unsecured email. Hence, the following alternatives:

1. Fax: We actually have quite a few clients still using fax, which is secure and quite simple to use when there are limited documents to transmit:

Our fax number: (330) 434-8130 or (800) 794-8851

2. Snail Mail: Believe it, about half of what we receive from clients in this digital age arrives via regular U.S. Mail, as in thirty years of preparing taxes we have never lost an item using USPS (though there have been a handful of minor delays). This method is the easiest, does not require you to make copies (although you’re certainly welcome to), and is cheap and convenient. However, because of the recent problems plaguing the U.S. Postal service, you may wish to explore other options until you’re convinced that the postal service is back on track. U.S. Mail remains our predominant method of sending out tax information to clients which need to be mailed in, such as city tax forms requiring signatures and attachments.

Our mailing address: 1040Plus   2775 Front Street   Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221

3. Secure Upload with Private Messaging: Clients can upload their tax documents to our secure server at no registration required. You will receive an email notification when we download your documents.

4. Secure email: Using the same secure server as #3, you can email your documents and message securely to . This method, however, does not send you a notification when we download your documents.

While items #3 and #4 may require more work on your part up front because some documents must be scanned into your computer prior to uploading, the advantage is that you retain your original documents.

Step 4: Preparing your tax return
Upon receipt of your tax information it is date/time stamped and placed in queue until a preparer can begin preparation. Our goal is to start preparing your tax return(s) no later than 7 days after receipt for typical tax situations. More complex tax situations may take a week longer for an advanced tax professional, who specializes in more complex tax matters, to get to.

Typical tax return situations are often completed the same day we start them, however, if we’re missing something or have questions, we certainly will contact you before completing the returns.

We never send sensitive personal or financial information via regular email. Instead we prefer to discuss these matters over the phone if our questions or the information we have to share with you are brief. Sometimes the tax scenarios can be complex, at which time we may provide you the information in writing, securely transmitted to you via a Hyperfiles Private Message.

Step 5: Communicating tax return results
After providing you with a verbal preview of your tax return results in the previous step, we print out your return as part of our review process before committing it as a final version. Once the return passes the hard copy review we determine the best method for communicating the return to you, which generally already has been agreed upon by you in the previous step.

Generally speaking, if you mailed original documents to us you will need to have those documents returned to you, so we’ll mail those documents to you with your completed tax returns, an efile signature authorization, and an invoice with a return envelope. There will be a brief note included in your paperwork with instructions on where to sign, what to mail, etc. And more importantly, an invitation to discuss your completed forms with us via phone or chat should you have any questions. We also predominately rely on U.S. mail if city returns have been prepared which must be signed and mailed with attachments.

Some clients are more anxious to get their tax returns filed, in which case we will email them a link to review their pdf-format tax return securely online and obtain their efile signature authorization online (similar to DocuSign). Even if there are original documents which should be returned to the client or city returns which must be mailed, oftentimes, per the taxpayer’s wishes, we will go ahead and efile the Fed and State returns upon receiving the online signature authorization, then drop the original documents, city return, and invoice in the mail.

In summary, we are flexible and practical about how quickly and in what format you should receive your completed tax return info and signature authorization.

Step 6: Obtaining signatures and e-filing
Professional preparers are mandated by IRS and all states to file all client tax returns electronically, hence the IRS e-file Signature Authorization Form 8879 must be signed by the taxpayer(s) in order for us to efile the tax return(s). Most states do not require a separate state efile form to be signed, instead allowing the IRS Form 8879 to be used to facilitate the state efile.

As mentioned in Step 5 above, your copy of the completed tax forms will always include a completed Form 8879 with instructions for you to sign and return to us using any of the following methods:

U.S. Mail (secure): 1040Plus  2775 Front Street  Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221
Fax (secure): (330) 434-8130 or (800) 794-8851

The above methods have been the most popular for clients whom we have mailed paperwork to, simply because they have a hard copy signature form in front of them to sign.

If you sent your tax documents to us electronically we generally respond in kind by giving you the option to view your completed tax forms online and accordingly sign the efile authorization Form 8879 online.

Once we have your signed efile authorization we will file your tax forms electronically. We generally advise clients of their tax return’s efile status only if the tax return gets rejected for a reason that we need the taxpayer’s assistance to resolve, such as a wrong name or SSN.

Step 7: Paying for our services
We do not expect payment until the work is completed, thus invoices are included with your copy of the completed tax forms. Most clients mail us a check. We also accept credit card payments. If you sent your tax documents to us electronically and are signing them online, we’ll provide a link for you to pay for the service online (using Stripe) by credit or debit card. Otherwise, you may communicate your card information to us over the phone if you prefer.
Step 8: Year-round support
We maintain regular office hours after the April 15th filing deadline: Weekdays 10am – 1pm ET for phone support, and round-the-clock support for digital communications.

“See” you soon!

© 2025 1040Plus All rights reserved
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1040Plus Service Wizard

1040Plus Service Wizard

We have an office in beautiful Cuyahoga Falls. Feel free to call or stop in: More Info

Click Next to get a better idea of what we charge for the service you require.

We serve folks from all over the country, and can serve you remotely!

Click Here to see how we accomplish this,

then click Next to get a better idea of what we charge for the service you require.

Our $50 fee includes efile of your already-prepared Fed tax return and the accompanying State residential tax return. Any additional State returns you may be required to file i.e. Non-Resident or Part-Year Resident, can either be mailed to the State by you or submitted for efile with your Fed and resident State returns, though we charge $20 for each additional State return.

To find out how to securely send us your tax returns and attachments, click "Next" to continue

If you do not wish to Snail Mail your tax documents to us, here are a few other methods you can use to send your info to us safely and securely:

Option #1: Download our e-file Authorization Form to complete on your desktop, then return it to 1040Plus with your tax forms by fax or secure email/upload (see links at the bottom of the form)

Option #2: Complete our e-file Authorization Form online: Joint filers here or Single filers here, attach your tax forms, then sign and submit to 1040Plus

Whichever method you choose, please feel free to email or call if you have any questions

Have you tried calling our office or our informal video chat ?

If you're like us (extremely busy) and we're having a tough time connecting, you may wish to schedule a phone or video chat. Click "Next" to book a free 15-minute phone consultation or video chat with a 1040Plus preparer or representative.

OK, click "Next" and we'll step you through your options.

If you do not wish to Fax or Snail Mail your documents to us, then here's a couple ways you can send your tax info to us securely:

1) Upload site (you'll receive email notification when we download your files):

You can also enter sensitive information (DOBs, SSNs, dependent info, bank info, etc ) in the message box on this site, where it resides encrypted until we log in to read it and download your files

-- OR --

2) Secure email (no download notification):

Using this method, while your files and any sensitive message will remain encrypted on our server, that same info will remain unencrypted (readable) in your email client should your email ever be compromised

There's no upfront charge to book a one-time 15-minute phone conversation or video chat

So by now you're probably wondering "What else does 1040Plus need to prepare my taxes thoroughly and efficiently?"

If you're new to 1040Plus you may find this fillable checklist helpful for sending basic (and required) info to us:

If you don't have a lot of attachments (i.e. 1 to 3) you may want to use the online version of our checklist and submit your tax documents along with the other necessary info we need simultaneously

We'll need some basic info from you before we can schedule your appointment

Compare to National Avg Fees